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Establishing Qualitative Criteria for IA and UX in One Fell Swoop: How to Conduct a Card Sort with Storytelling

Posted: Thursday, July 22, 2010 | Posted by Tania Schlatter |

Slides from a presentation we did at the Boston Mini UPA conference in June 2010. "Card Sorts with Storytelling" is how we describe the type of research we started doing with site users for MIT Medical in 2008. We combined methods – a card sort, careful questioning and task completion – into a protocol to get information to inform site map, feature and overall IA decision-making, which was stuck due to lack of team consensus. The sessions were successful, and the results were extremely helpful in helping the team focus on making the site as useful as possible for the MIT community.

We refined and repeated the format on several higher-ed projects with similar success. This practice is not intended to replace more rigorous testing, but rather to quickly provide a project team and visual designers with user information when there otherwise would be none.


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